Research & Outreach

For years, Professor Sonia Chao has been at the forefront of resilience efforts in South Florida. These include projects in historic preservation, affordable housing, community engagement and outreach both internationally and at home, vulnerability modeling, and pedagogy.  We invite you to learn about past research and outreach efforts through the links below.

SSBV Model

Coastal development intensifies the need for monitoring and predicting climate change impacts on coastal communities. This project proposes a transformative, transdisciplinary approach that integrates the ocean’s influence on coastal resilience and on the well-being of coastal communities, toward resilience measures that protect human, urban, and ocean health. The team will co-design metrics and contemplate solutions with public and private sector stakeholders, leveraging established relationships, building a local, national & international coalition to address current conditions and future predictions of coastal Biome health, economic and community well-being. These solutions will advise future policies to ensure climate equity and justice. The case study will focus on South Florida, specifically, a transect of Miami-Dade County (MDC) that includes urban areas, Biscayne Bay, and South Florida ocean waters. This team will develop integrated tools and metrics to assess environmental, economic, urban, and human aspects of coastal resilience.

> ULINK pages (Themes: Resilience Challenge, Climate

> Chang’s work 

> Link to relevant talks (ACSA Recording [Sonia has])

Resilience and Preservation Pamphlets

 This initiative, prepared in partnership with the Dade Heritage Trust, offers five case studies in resilience and preservation concerning historic buildings in neighborhoods throughout Miami, Florida.  These educational pamphlets provide information to assist residents and/or building owners to prepare for climate change and sea level rise. 

> Historic Preservation + Resilience Pamphlets 

> Pamphlet PDFs 

> Affordable housing alternatives 

> Haiti Arcahaie Report 

> Publications

> Chao et al., Calibrating Coastal Resilience.  Taylor and Francis.  Forthcoming. 

Accordion Group
