
Also of Interest

Metabolisms, within this framework, refers to the underlying processes, which seed and sustain the ‘terroir’ of a place and its society. The related sub-topics are namely identity, equity, wellness, knowledge, as well as the health, food, and natural systems relied upon for wellbeing. These metabolisms maintain the life of a society, and if due to climatological variabilities or changes, any should falter, society as a whole can experience harmful effects.

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Racial & Gender Equity and Cultural Identities

Diverse groups of people in a society often experience the impacts of climate change differently. Racial or cultural minorities can suffer the effects of climate-induced stressors and shock more acutely than do other groups, reasons for this often times stemming from historical and institutionalized oppression. Read more...

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Mental, Social, and Physical Wellness

This session will explore public and individual health vulnerabilities, service shortcomings, and their intersections with various aspects of an evolving climate. Read more...

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Food Sovereignty

Agricultural production plays a crucial role in supporting a society’s health and security, and this industry is already experiencing significant impacts due to climate change. Read more...

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Environmental Services

Across the Caribbean and South Florida, coastal urban and natural ecosystems are experiencing increased flooding due to sea level rise and an increase in rainfall. Read more...